Coffee and Bananas

In the area of Coatepec, Veracruz you can find a lot of coffee plantations. The altitude is very good for coffee. Anyway the sun can be too hot for the coffee bushes, therefore trees are planted there as well. Many coffee farmers plant banana trees among the coffee bushes. It gives them two sources to […]


Ny smartphone, but problems with my photos. It seems I lost a lot again. I hope I can read them later with the help of my laptop, but that is in the future. Even I nu have updated my blog again, there are days without photos. I apologize. I will buy a new SD-card soon […]

Loss of Data

Today happened, what should not happen. While I tried to take a photo, my smartphone was falling out of my hand on a ceramic floor and it broke. I hope, it is only the color card, but that does not help me at all. I cannot access all the data I have put in on […]