Most of us and especially in our age have relatives and friends. Travelling for years means, you cannot meet them. To call your daughter or son every day will also be too expensive – for most of us. Therefore you have to become friends with the new technologies.

Anyway travelling for years around the world does not mean you are your own slave. You will do what you think is interesting and makes fun. You will from time to time go back to your home country, meet your relatives and visit friends. You have to plan it, of course – because the costs of flights and the guidelines for the visas.

The new technologies will help you to stay in touch meanwhile you are abroad. There is more than one channel on the Internet, where you can talk for free like Skype (also video), WhatsApp, you name it. Try to find a place with free WiFi or a host with broadband, who do not pay extra for extra traffic. Send sms or email to the one you want to talk with and make an appointment for the call and think about the time zones! When you have the possibility for video calls you can see your grand children grow up and you will be a movie star for them ;-).

There is only one risk with relatives and friends: They might tell you, that it is too dangerous in your age to travel the world and especially this way. In that case just ask them to follow you and tell them, that your own bed anyway is more dangerous, because most people die in their own beds.